If you’re going to sell digital products, you need an email list

If you’re going to sell digital products, you need an email list. Let me repeat. You need an email list. As someone who helps small businesses with their websites and email marketing, here’s what I see (all too often): ✅ A client is ready to build their list, so we set up an email marketing…

How to create your first digital product in a fraction of the time

When thinking about creating digital products for the first time, many service-providers go directly to a large offering like a course. They spend a ton of time creating it only to launch to crickets. 🦗 What if you could create your first digital product in a fraction of the time?  The answer is to think…

Questions to ask before and after you create your digital product

When thinking about creating a digital product, most people go directly to the execution and technical details. What am I going to create? How will I create it? What will it look like? How will I deliver it? How much should I charge? These are all great questions and answering them is a necessary part…

Monetize something you’re already doing [with examples]

Creating a digital product (especially your first) can be daunting. All the planning, preparation, creating and execution. But even more than that, the marketing. Once you have a digital product, you have to sell 😱 Last week I talked about a few types of digital products, but it got me thinking… what if you could…

Diversifying your income by creating digital products

As a child, my dad would often talk to me about money. He was big on diversifying your savings, but also your income. He owned a garage and was a mechanic, but he also hauled machines and vehicles, did some machining and scrapped metal. As a small business owner, my primary means of income is…