Questions to ask before and after you create your digital product

When thinking about creating a digital product, most people go directly to the execution and technical details. What am I going to create? How will I create it? What will it look like? How will I deliver it? How much should I charge? These are all great questions and answering them is a necessary part…

Monetize something you’re already doing [with examples]

Creating a digital product (especially your first) can be daunting. All the planning, preparation, creating and execution. But even more than that, the marketing. Once you have a digital product, you have to sell šŸ˜± Last week I talked about a few types of digital products, but it got me thinkingā€¦ what if you could…

Diversifying your income by creating digital products

As a child, my dad would often talk to me about money. He was big on diversifying your savings, but also your income. He owned a garage and was a mechanic, but he also hauled machines and vehicles, did some machining and scrapped metal. As a small business owner, my primary means of income is…