Scheduling time for yourself first

Last time I talked a bit about one-hour tasks.

Today I want to talk about the best time to DO these tasks, specifically if they’re for YOU.

What I see most often is that people do work for others first, then schedule their own tasks.

I get it. It’s easier to start work for other people because it’s often more clear. Plus you get a good feeling finishing that work and making someone else happy.

BUT work for others often bleeds over into your time and before you know it, you’ve spent the whole day (or week) on things for others.

I’m sure you’ve heard of the concept “pay yourself first” as it relates to savings, but I also love it for making progress towards your goals.

So, earlier in the day, earlier in the week or earlier in the month, schedule the time for YOU. Knock out some one-hour tasks. Once they’re done, move on to the work you do for others.

If you try it, let me know how it goes!

Originally posted on LinkedIn.