How to create your first digital product in a fraction of the time

When thinking about creating digital products for the first time, many service-providers go directly to a large offering like a course. They spend a ton of time creating it only to launch to crickets. 🦗

What if you could create your first digital product in a fraction of the time? 

The answer is to think smaller.

✔ Think about ONE problem that your potential customers face or a question you get from existing customers frequently
✔ What is the solution to this problem?
✔ How can you deliver the problem and solution package in a digital product? Short ebook, template, guide, quick audio or short video, etc. 

Here are the benefits to this approach:

👉 It’s easier and quicker to create because the focus is on one problem and one solution
👉 It’s also easier for your customers to digest this information 
👉 A lower price point is an easier way for new customers to get to know, like and trust you
👉 You can build upon the success of the product or pivot to another type of product if it fails
👉 And if the product flops, you didn’t invest a ton of time or resources into the development 

Smaller and low price does NOT mean low value. Your customers are still getting a solution to a specific problem they’re having.

So, what would a small digital product look like for you? Let me know in the comments!

Originally posted on LinkedIn.