Season 3 Recap – Reflections, Challenges and Plans for the Show

Season 3 Recap – Reflections, Challenges and Plans for the Show

At the end of every season, I ask myself four questions. What happened? What went well? What didn’t go well? And what’s next? In this episode, I’ll share ALL the answers to those questions, plus some specific financial information on the brand and why this episode will likely be the last.

Start here

Start here on the path to your digital product

There’s a lot that goes into creating a digital product, but a common question that people ask is, where do I even start? In this episode I’ll share five steps to get started – scope, topic, audience, result and timeframe.

If I have a lead magnet, do I have a digital product?

If I have a lead magnet, do I have a digital product?

A new connection recently asked, If I have a lead magnet, do I have a product? And the answer is YES. Today I’ll share a few options when it comes to creating a digital product, all from the perspective of lead magnets.

Best sales platform for my product

What’s the best sales platform for my digital product?

There are tons of sales platforms out there for your digital product – how do you know which is the best one for you? Let’s talk about a few questions to ask when vetting sales platforms. I’ll also share a variety of options and talk a bit about each.