So long, farewell ❤️💕

Hey Reader,

In the summer of 2022, I decided I wanted to help established service providers create their first digital product. I love digital products for so many reasons but I wanted to empower people to gain an additional income stream, grow their impact without increasing 1:1 work, and experience more time freedom.

I set out with ​Your First Digital Product​ in early 2023, a podcast and YouTube show where I talked to business owners who have launched digital products and dug deep into how you could create, launch and market digital products, too.

After 68 episodes, I realized that it wasn’t working. ​Check out the last episode with the full story if you’re interested.​ While I still love digital products, the service of helping people create their first digital product just didn’t pan out for me.

Some of the content previously on the website won’t be available, but you can still:

I’ll also be shutting down this ConvertKit account, so this is the last email you’ll receive from this list.

As for what’s next, I’m not sure other than I’ll be giving ​my WordPress website​ a refresh 😆

Thank you for joining me on this journey and good luck creating your first digital product!


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