So long, farewell ❤️💕

Hey Reader, In the summer of 2022, I decided I wanted to help established service providers create their first digital product. I love digital products for so many reasons but I wanted to empower people to gain an additional income stream, grow their impact without increasing 1:1 work, and experience more time freedom. I set…

Although we’ve come to the end of the road…

Hey Reader, I started my podcast in January of 2023 as a way to build authority in the digital product space. Unfortunately, even though I have worked very hard, it hasn’t really worked the way I wanted it to. These are the last three podcast episodes of Your First Digital Product 👉 [Interview] Launching a…

What’s working for me right now 👉

Hey Reader, Since I broke my ankle last year, I’ve had a difficult time finding my way back into a regular exercise routine. I’ve tried a LOT of things that haven’t worked well, but for the past month, I’ve just been writing down what I’ve done. Seeing this list, I can feel sort of a…

I love the tech parts, what about you?

Hey Reader, In the podcast episode that dropped today, Laura shared that she loved to create digital products, but she didn’t love hooking up the twiddly bits. Creating the sales page, adding the product listing, connecting to her email marketing platform, making sure the emails were configured properly – that kind of stuff. I’m wondering…

I just let her talk me into it

Hey Reader, A few months ago I went to the store to buy some new mascara. I’ve been wearing the same kind for years, but don’t need to buy it very often because it lasts me a long time. The salesperson took me over to the section and said, you don’t want waterproof mascara (which…

Doing a brain dump to overcome the overwhelm of creating a product

Hey Reader, Every year my son’s high school marching band takes a trip and marches in a parade out of town. The band keeps the kids super busy for the duration of the 5-day trip. The kids went to Disney (Epcot, Hollywood Studios and Magic Kingdom) plus Kennedy Space Center and Cocoa Beach at the…