Differing opinions, getting support and why you’re not marketing

Hey Reader,

I’ve been noticing a lot of differing opinions lately, even on seemingly small stuff.

On LinkedIn, I read a post where someone was all in on horizontal video and someone thought vertical was the way to go.

I posted that I love emailing my list bi-monthly and someone else thinks daily is the way to go.

Everyone has an opinion, and that’s actually okay. It means you get to have one too! You get to choose what works for you.

I love sharing new episodes and this month is no different 🙌

Building her business with services and digital products with Karmen Kendrick. Karmen has been experimenting with digital products for years, always keeping in mind what her audience needs. Watch or listen to episode 24.​

Getting support on the journey to your first digital product. As freelancers and small business owners, we may be used to going it alone, but I promise you, everything changes when you have support. I share a few personal experiences and make a case for how you can navigate unfamiliar or difficult situations more easily with support. Watch or listen to episode 25.​

Aligning your products with your services with Nathan Ingram. In this episode, Nathan shares how he does it all – run an agency, create courses, offer group and 1:1 coaching, write a book AND run his subscription-based digital product, MonsterContracts. Spoiler – it’s due to alignment! Watch or listen to episode 26.​

Why you’re not marketing your product and what to do about it. For many who have created their first digital product, not much marketing happens after launch. In this episode, I share four reasons why, plus strategies on how you can start marketing your product so that you get more sales. Watch or listen to episode 27.​

You can also check out all of the episodes on YouTube or in your favorite podcast player.

Thanks for tuning in!

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