22 days of digital products, balancing client work and ways to continue to market your product

Hey Reader,

If you follow me on social, you may have seen the start of 22 days of digital products 🙌

For 22 days, I’ll be sharing the products of my podcast guests. These business owners have launched a wide variety of products – from templates and guides to mini courses to memberships. If you haven’t launched a product yet, you may find some ideas and inspiration (or better still, a product that can help you solve an important problem you’re having).

All of the guests I’ve interviewed have traveled on different paths, but there’s a lot of overlap in the creation, launch and marketing process. I also find it interesting that once they started offering digital products, they didn’t stop!

Follow along on Threads, Instagram stories/highlights or Twitter. I’ll also post three weekly round-ups on LinkedIn if you follow me there.

Here’s a quick rundown of the November episodes 🦃

[Interview] Affiliate marketing alongside your digital product with Angela Markham. Angela talks about her two courses – how you can get started with affiliate marketing and how you can start your own affiliate marketing program. Plus, I ask all of my burning questions about affiliate marketing. Watch or listen to episode 42.​

[Solo] Balancing existing client work with creating a new digital product. It can be hard to set aside time to create a digital product because client work often comes first. In this episode, I share a few strategies for setting aside time, protecting that time and making the most of the time you have. Watch or listen to episode 43.​

[Interview] Allowing your products to evolve with your energetic capacity and circumstances with Maggie Gentry. Maggie’s first product was a course that she ran with live meetings each week. When it didn’t work out for her, she pivoted to a smaller offering that fits much better. Watch or listen to episode 44.​

[Solo] Ongoing marketing for your digital product. Launch marketing is important, but more important is how you plan to market your product ongoing. I share ways to create content, share with your audience and leverage other audiences in this episode. Watch or listen to episode 45.​

There will be two more episodes on Tuesdays in December and that will wrap up season 2. I’m excited to take a few weeks off before jumping back in to season 3 in January 🎉


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