What’s working for me right now πŸ‘‰

Hey Reader,

Since I broke my ankle last year, I’ve had a difficult time finding my way back into a regular exercise routine.

I’ve tried a LOT of things that haven’t worked well, but for the past month, I’ve just been writing down what I’ve done.

Seeing this list, I can feel sort of a pull. I don’t want to let it (or myself) down by writing none for a few days in a row.

It got me thinking that if you’re trying to work on your product, you could:

  1. Plan ahead of time, like with this Google Sheet. Then track progress towards your goal.
  2. Skip the plan and just write down what you’re doing in pursuit of a goal. Maybe by seeing it all in one place, you’ll see that you’re actually making progress and want to keep going.
  3. Put some urgency behind it. Both Samantha and Liz had similar stories where something else was happening and they had to create a product fast.

What do you think might work for you?

And while you’re thinking about it, check out the episodes that dropped in May 🌺

[Interview] Getting your first product out there and building your business with Samantha Burmeister. With Black Friday quickly approaching, Samantha saw an opportunity to create a set of emails to help people sell their products. It was fast and without any tech; she emailed her list and manually invoiced customers. After seeing success, she went on to create more products. Watch or listen to episode 62.​

[Interview] Adapting your business around your life and knowing yourself with Laura Robinson. Laura has gone through several evolutions of her business, from 1:1 work to a membership to a group cohort to courses and beyond. Her goal is always to build her business around her life, and she has developed a really great sense of self to know what works for her and what doesn’t. Watch or listen to episode 63.​

[Interview] Gaining clarity for a product by working closely with clients with Yasmine Salem Hamdan. Tune in for a very meta episode! Yasmine shares the story of creating digital products (contract templates for service providers) but also talks about the contracts you need as a service provider and digital product creator. Watch or listen to episode 64.​

[Interview] What if your digital product was easy and fun (?!) with Liz Wilcox. Digital products don’t have to be so hard! Listen to Liz’s story of selling her first product, then creating it and how she continues to create and sell with relative ease. Watch or listen to episode 65.​


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