What it feels like to have support on the journey

Hey Reader,

When I started freelancing in 2017, I quickly found a community. I took a course and joined Twitter, and from there I met people in my new industry, started going to meetups and conferences, participated in Slack groups and even joined a free, quarterly mastermind.

These were all great avenues for support.

Being able to ask a question on Twitter or in a Slack group was hugely beneficial for me. I don’t think I would have gotten as far as I did without the valuable advice and recommendations from colleagues who had been in my position at one point.

But as I started to grow and wanted to specialize, I knew I needed more support.

A friend and colleague of mine, Alastair at The Recognized Authority, was just starting to offer private coaching, so I signed up. When he started a paid mastermind group, Authority Labs, I joined as well.

I started to make some progress, sharing content on how service providers can create digital products. It felt good, but it was slow going. I still felt unsure and out of my element.

When the mastermind wrapped up, I reached out to a business and mindset coach I had been following on Instagram. We had a call so I could learn more about her services, including private coaching. I binged her podcast episodes during a visit to Florida.

I knew I liked her, was relatively confident that she could help me, but the commitment felt terrifying.

I joke with my family about going “into the unknown” (via Frozen 2, which I’ve never actually seen) and this was definitely that.

What if we didn’t jive? What if I wasted a ton of time and money? And mostly, what if I didn’t see any results?

Thankfully, none of that has come true.

  • I’m more comfortable sharing all of the things, even the things that I don’t think I can share
  • And along those same lines, I’m more comfortable taking up space
  • Not only have I settled in on a direction to go, I’m optimistic about it
  • I’m more confident knowing that she’s in my corner, cheering me on and providing me valuable feedback and advice
  • She helps me focus on what I think is important, which feels really good

There will be times in life and business where you don’t need as much support and others where you do. What season are you in? Do you have support on your current journey? I’d love to hear about it — reply to this email and let me know.


P.S. The podcast is launching in TWO WEEKS 🎉 Stay tuned for an email near the end of the month with all the details on where you can watch and listen.