Upgrading your lead magnet, building confidence and meeting your audience where they are

Hey Reader,

Greetings from New Mexico!

On Friday, I gave a presentation on The First 5 Mile Markers on the Journey to Your First Digital Product at WordCamp Phoenix, and now we’re doing a bit of sight-seeing around Truth or Consequences, NM.

Before I head out for the day, here’s a quick recap of the episodes that dropped since last month.

I know I’m biased, but these interviews were great! Both Kyle and Gill were so open and honest, sharing their perspectives not as “experts” but as fellow business owners on their own journey. ❤️

Solving important problems in his business and sharing solutions with peers with Kyle Van Deusen. I love Kyle’s story because his product was actually a lead magnet that wasn’t doing super well, but as soon as he put a price tag on it, it sold like crazy. Learn about what he did, how he markets and about some of his other products. Watch or listen to episode 11.

Wait, what exactly is a digital product? In my zeal to start the podcast and hit the ground running, I didn’t really define what a digital product is for my audience. It was only after a few conversations could I tell it was something I should address, so I circled back and created this short, 6-minute episode including two important characteristics of a digital product. Watch or listen to episode 12.​

Powering through perfectionism and anxiety to build confidence and launch digital products with Gill Andrews. Gill has a variety of products, but her audience asked her to create her first product. She was posting website tips on LinkedIn regularly and she kept getting requests to put them all in one place, so her first ebook was born. We also talk about how she keeps going when the voice in her head tries to derail her. Watch or listen to episode 13.​

Meeting your audience where they are instead of where you are. In this short, 7-minute episode, I break down my five tips for meeting your audience where they are. Remember what it’s like to be a beginner, chunk your content down for quick wins, don’t assume, ask your audience what they need and respond. Watch or listen to episode 14.

You can also check out all of the episodes on YouTube or in your favorite podcast player.

Thanks for tuning in!

P.S. If you’re looking to create your first digital product, check out my brainstorming worksheet to get started.