Less is more, validation is key, easy groups to sell to and my first “failed” digital product

Hey Reader,

Since the podcast launched last month, there are five NEW episodes up 👉

Switch your focus from doing more to doing less (plus five strategies to get your digital product off the ground). So many times we think more = more when really less = more. In this 7-minute episode, I talk about ways to scale back and actually launch your digital product with less work. Watch or listen to episode 6.​

Positioning yourself and your digital product for success with Alastair McDermott. Alastair and I had an amazing conversation about his first digital product and how he went WAY overboard without any validation ahead of time. We also talk about his second digital product, his new book. Watch or listen to episode 7.​

Audience — three easy groups of people you can sell your digital product to. This episode came from a recent conversation with a prospective client. We discussed the product she was thinking of creating plus the audience. I share my thoughts on three easy groups she could sell to in this 6-minute episode. Watch or listen to episode 8.​

Listening to her audience and asking for feedback with Sara Loretta. Sara’s first product was wildly successful without any strategy or much marketing. She did have an active audience who asked for what they wanted and when Sara built just that, her product took off. Watch or listen to episode 9.​

Reflecting on my first “failed” digital product. In 2021, I launched my first digital product – a mini-course on asking for and using testimonials in your service business. From a sales perspective, the product totally bombed, but I don’t consider it a loss. In this 8-minute episode, I talk about what happened, what didn’t go well, what did go well and what I’ll try next time. Watch or listen to episode 10.​

You can also check out all of the episodes on YouTube or in your favorite podcast player.

Thanks for listening!

P.S. What do you want to hear about or who do you want to hear from next? Reply to this email and let me know!