If you’re going to do something, should you do it right?

Hey Reader,

There’s a saying that you’ve probably heard of — if you’re going to do something, you should do it right.

My dad used to say this all the time, and my memory around it is of doing the dishes. Once you finish the dishes, you should wash out the sink and clean up around the faucets.

Basically, do a good job.

I’ve carried this with me my entire life, trying to do everything right.

But really, what is right?

If you’re new at something or just learning, can you even do it right?

If you can’t, does that mean you shouldn’t do it?

And do we equate doing it right with doing it well?

I shared a little bit about this on Twitter last week, when I talked about recording my latest solo episode. Compared to my previous solo episodes, this one was a bit rough around the edges in my opinion.

But I’ll never get better if I don’t keep going.

It’s the same with your digital product. In so many of the interviews I’ve done, a first product didn’t do particularly well, but subsequent products did better.

Because they reflected. Because they tried something new. Because they tried again.

If they had never launched or gave up after the first time, they would have never gotten better.

So maybe we shouldn’t worry so much about doing it right or doing it well. Maybe we just need to worry about doing it. Period.

What do you think? Reach out and let me know. I’d love to hear from you.


P.S. Don’t forget to join me on Monday, July 17 at 11AM EDT to learn about selling digital products with Lemon Squeezy. Head over to the YouTube channel, subscribe and click Notify Me under the upcoming live stream. I can’t wait to see you there!

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