How do you finish out the year?

Hey Reader,

I’m curious – how do you finish out the year? Have you checked out of work? Are you in a mad dash to get things done before the end of the year? Or maybe it’s just like any other month?

This year I’m all over the place. 🤪

  • I attended a reflection and planning session last week where we looked at our wheel of life and answered some questions
  • I’m attending a creating guidelines workshop next week
  • A colleague shared a workbook to Unravel Your Year that I plan to investigate
  • I have been doing YearCompass for a few years now and plan to again in a few weeks

I think as solo business owners, it’s really easy to just keep adding to the to do list. We try our hardest to do, do, do but sometimes we just need a little time to stop and think about if what we’re doing is actually working for us.

I’m mixing it up a bit this month. Typically I email the podcast summaries at the end of the month, but since season 2 officially ended today, I wanted to get these in your inbox 💌

[Interview] Offering value in each part of a sales funnel with Kathleen Celmins. There are a ton of great parts to this episode, but one that I love is that Kathleeen breaks down a few pieces of her sales funnel. If you’ve never launched a digital product before, a sales funnel sounds advanced, but I love these stories for inspiration. Watch or listen to episode 46.

[Solo] Reviewing season 2 and how you can review parts of your life and business. This episode is similar to the last episode of the first season in that I recap how the season went. I love this super simple, four question framework that you can use for any part of your life or business. What happened? What went well? What didn’t go well? What can you try next time? Watch or listen to episode 47.


P.S. In episode 29, I shared about selling templates on Gumroad as an experiment. I’ve expanded my offerings there and am now doing weekly emails with my 12 Week Year scores and thoughts for subscribers AND a free live workshop on Wednesday, December 27 to help you recap Q4 2023 and plan for Q1 2024. If either interest you, I’d love for you to join me!

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