Expanding your customer base, why you’re really procrastinating, scaling back expectations and avoiding overwhelm

Hey Reader,

We’re coming up on the end of the month, which means it’s episode recap time! Two amazing interviews and two short episodes have dropped in April.

Expanding her customer base by creating non-1:1 offerings with Kristen Ricupero. When COVID hit, financial coach Kristen had more inquiries than she could handle. Plus, her new leads weren’t in the position to work with her 1:1, so she created some additional offerings to help. Watch or listen to episode 15.

Why you’re REALLY procrastinating on your first digital product. If you’re anything like me, you might be putting off tasks that are important but not urgent. You may also be procrastinating because you’re not clear, your mindset needs work or you don’t really want to create a digital product. Watch or listen to episode 16.

Scaling back high expectations of yourself to get your first digital product launched with Emily Ryan. Emily has had plans for a BIG Mailchimp course for awhile now, but what if that’s not the best approach? In this episode, we brainstorm some potential ideas on how she can share her love of Mailchimp with the world without putting too much pressure on herself. Watch or listen to episode 17.

Avoiding overwhelm in your digital product. A few weeks ago I was looking for a place to go to brunch and got completely overwhelmed trying to find one. Which made me wonder, are you overwhelmed creating your digital product OR is the content you’re putting out there (free or paid) overwhelming your audience? Watch or listen to episode 18.

You can also check out all of the episodes on YouTube or in your favorite podcast player.

Thanks for tuning in!