Carve out time for your digital product by using an email autoresponder

On episode 2 of the podcast, I shared a few strategies to help you carve out time on Monday mornings to work on your first digital product (or any other tasks just for you). One of the strategies I mentioned was pausing your inbox and/or setting your out of office message. Let’s dive deeper in…

What it feels like to have support on the journey

Hey Reader, When I started freelancing in 2017, I quickly found a community. I took a course and joined Twitter, and from there I met people in my new industry, started going to meetups and conferences, participated in Slack groups and even joined a free, quarterly mastermind. These were all great avenues for support. Being…

Getting rid of the word “just” from our vocabulary

Hey Reader, Twice a year, my partner and I go to Florida to visit his parents. We typically stay for a week, and there’s always a lot of food, drink and relaxing. I enjoy going, but my expectations are always out of alignment with reality. I expect to be able to do all of the…