Your First Digital Product has launched πŸ₯³πŸŽ‰

Hey Reader,

The show is ready!!

After MONTHS of planning, creating, blood, sweat and tears (okay, not really so much of those last three but you get the point), the day is finally here and the show is launched!

As I mentioned in my first email, my plan for this list is two emails a month. Earlier in the month, a short story or thought about creating digital products. Later in the month, a short summary of the episodes that have come out since the last email.

This email will be a bit longer since there are six episodes up, but here are the details!

Welcome to Your First Digital Product. In this episode, I talk about who this show is for, what to expect from the show and my philosophy around digital products and business (and life, because really it’s all the same). Watch or listen to episode 0.​

Starting β€” all the details of a successful first product launch with Liz Fetchin. Liz just launched her first product in November (a digital Thanksgiving cookbook for people with allergies and intolerances). Learn how Liz built her audience over the past year, got help with her first product and had a successful first launch that she can now promote going forward. Watch or listen to episode 1.​

Why Mondays are the perfect day to work on your digital product (and how to actually make it happen). In this short solo episode, I make a case for why Mondays are in fact the PERFECT day to work on your product. You’ll feel better because you got something important accomplished. Plus I share a few tips on how to actually carve out the time on Mondays. Watch or listen to episode 2.​

Transitioning from courses to just-in-time learning with Joe Casabona. Joe has been creating products since 2017. His stories of what worked, what didn’t work and why are fantastic. Learn how Joe pivoted based on audience feedback and how his new product not only helps customers but his 1:1 clients, too. Watch or listen to episode 3.​

Why you shouldn’t create a course as your first digital product (and what you should do instead). In this short solo episode, I share why I think you shouldn’t create a course as your first product. Too often when people think about digital products, their minds go directly to courses, but courses are too involved and take way too long to create. Plus, if it’s a lot of work for you, it’s a lot of work for your audience. Watch or listen to episode 4.​

Iterating on digital products based on customer needs and feedback with Erin Flynn. Erin has been in the product space since 2014 and her first product is still her best-selling product. Learn how Erin has experimented with various types of products (templates, workshops, memberships, courses) plus her successes and failures along the way. Watch or listen to episode 5.​

If you watch or listen to any of the episodes, I’d love to hear your feedback! Reply to this email, comment on YouTube or share a review in your favorite podcast player.
