Where to start, audio courses, marketing your product and learning from a failed product

Hey Reader,

One of the reasons I launched a podcast last year was to establish authority in the digital product space.

I had helped a few of my web clients launch their products (and loved it) so I planned to pivot in this new direction.

I’ve enjoyed podcasting more than I thought, but I’ve been having this sinking feeling that something isn’t right. After episode 58 early in April, I just didn’t feel up to creating more solo episodes, so as you can see, I’ve switched to interviews only.

I’m not sure how I’ll proceed from here, but at the very least, I have six additional interviews already recorded and queued up to release.

While I’m figuring things out, I hope you enjoy these awesome interviews 😍

[Interview] Digital products can help you find your people with Deanna Seymour. Deanna and I are all over the place today talking about her audio courses and private podcasts, how digital products can help you connect with people, how her teaching background has helped her as a product creator and figuring out exactly what you want and need as an online business owner. Watch or listen to episode 57.​

[Solo] Start here on the path to your digital product. There’s a lot that goes into creating a digital product, but a common question that people ask is, where do I even start? In this episode I’ll share five steps to get started – scope, topic, audience, result and timeframe. Watch or listen to episode 58.

[Interview] Communicating well on social media and other marketing channels with Corrie Oberdin. It’s another different kind of interview! Corrie is here to tell us all about using social media (and other marketing channels) to share the good news about our digital products and more. We dive into which channels are best for you, how often to post based on your capacity, consistency and how social media is a long game. Watch or listen to episode 59.

[Interview] Growing as business owner after a failed product with Raina Willick. I don’t get many business owners who want to come on the show and share that their first product didn’t sell at all, but I am so glad that Raina Willick joined me to tell her story. Even though her first product failed from a sales perspective, she doesn’t consider it a failure. She learned a lot and grew from the experience. We also chat about potential digital products for her new venture, Baguette Bound. Watch or listen to episode 60.​

[Interview] The top five tips for a successful online course with Deb Barnes. If you’re looking to create an online course, check out this episode where Deb shares her top tips including: have a proven process, method or framework, help others get results, make sure your topic is in demand, plan well (including market research and finding the gap) and include touch points and accountability. Watch or listen to episode 61.​


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