Taking my own advice + creating a clear plan

Hey Reader,

I recently joined The RAVEL Collective, a professional network for socially conscious, purpose-driven women entrepreneurs.

The other day I was reading through Slack, and saw a question from one of the members on how to get started being a guest on podcasts. I’ve done a little research in this area, so I sent her a rough plan and a few resources.

It got me thinking – this is something *I* want to do. Being a guest on podcasts is a great way to build your audience and increase awareness of your offerings, both services and digital products.

Why am I giving someone else advice but not taking my own?

So here’s my plan, in 12 Week Year format 💪

  • Weeks 1-2: Write down a few topics I would like to speak about, gather my high-resolution headshots and write a short and long bio
  • Week 3: Create a page on my website with this information (use Joe’s guest page or Alastair’s media page for inspiration)
  • Week 4: Write a pitch email template and create a blank ClickUp list for tracking
  • Weeks 5-8: Spend 1 hour/week searching for shows to reach out to
  • Weeks 9-10: Reach out to the shows I found
  • Week 11: Away
  • Week 12: Follow up with anyone I don’t hear back from

Sometimes all you need is a clear plan.


P.S. Speaking of a clear plan, do you need one to create your first digital product? I gave a presentation at WordCamp Phoenix in March and shared a Google Sheet template with the group – a roadmap for all of the important milestones and tasks to launch your first digital product.