Slowly restarting the momentum train 🚂

Hey Reader,

A few months ago I signed up for Waffles n’ Work – three co-working sessions on Mondays in September.

Before the sessions started, I had a call with Raina, the organizer. She helped me determine what to focus on this month, and let me just say – it was amazing. Like, the perfect excuse for me to use the mind-blown emoji 🤯

This is obvious in retrospect, but I had a lot of momentum earlier in the year, but once I broke my ankle, the momentum train crashed. And not only did it crash, but it’s been really hard to get it started again.

It takes time to build up momentum. I am not just going to jump back into the swing of things (literally or figuratively). I have to take it slow and just start.

To help me do just that, I’m working with a few people this month:

  • ​Raina, as mentioned above
  • ​Corrie, who is helping me figure out my social media plan
  • ​Christine, who is helping me get back on track with workouts (including what that looks like for me now)
  • And Tyler, who is helping me walk again 🤩

It’s been good, but bumpy. I get stuck in the weeds a lot. Things aren’t always how I think they should be or I want them to be.

But, I’m making progress. Very, very slow progress. One could say I’m taking the scenic route 😉

How about you? Are you riding the momentum train, or is it stopped at the station? Are you stuck in the weeds? Reply and let me know.



P.S. I have a goal to have 25 market research calls by the end of 2023. If you’re creating, launching or marketing a digital product, could we jump on a 15-minute call so I can learn more about you? No sales, no pitches.

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