Expanding your customer base, why you’re really procrastinating, scaling back expectations and avoiding overwhelm

Hey Reader, We’re coming up on the end of the month, which means it’s episode recap time! Two amazing interviews and two short episodes have dropped in April. Expanding her customer base by creating non-1:1 offerings with Kristen Ricupero. When COVID hit, financial coach Kristen had more inquiries than she could handle. Plus, her new…

Taking my own advice + creating a clear plan

Hey Reader, I recently joined The RAVEL Collective, a professional network for socially conscious, purpose-driven women entrepreneurs. The other day I was reading through Slack, and saw a question from one of the members on how to get started being a guest on podcasts. I’ve done a little research in this area, so I sent…

Are you consistent and persistent in your message?

Hey Reader, One of my favorite books is The 12 Week Year. If you’re not familiar, it’s a goal-setting framework that happens over 12 weeks instead of 12 months. I’ve been following the 12 Week Year for a few actual years now, but recently created two digital products around it – quick templates and videos…

How are you experimenting in your business? πŸ€”

Hey Reader, When I work with clients on their digital products, I explain that there’s no one, correct path. Sure, there are similarities in the process – carving out time to create the product, writing sales content to sell your product and the like – but you get to decide the specific path you take….

Your First Digital Product has launched πŸ₯³πŸŽ‰

Hey Reader, The show is ready!! After MONTHS of planning, creating, blood, sweat and tears (okay, not really so much of those last three but you get the point), the day is finally here and the show is launched! As I mentioned in my first email, my plan for this list is two emails a…

What it feels like to have support on the journey

Hey Reader, When I started freelancing in 2017, I quickly found a community. I took a course and joined Twitter, and from there I met people in my new industry, started going to meetups and conferences, participated in Slack groups and even joined a free, quarterly mastermind. These were all great avenues for support. Being…

Getting rid of the word “just” from our vocabulary

Hey Reader, Twice a year, my partner and I go to Florida to visit his parents. We typically stay for a week, and there’s always a lot of food, drink and relaxing. I enjoy going, but my expectations are always out of alignment with reality. I expect to be able to do all of the…