Is it working? Sticking with it when you’re not sure

Hey Reader,

Have you ever heard something that blew your mind immediately?

Recently I was on a Zoom call with a new connection. I was lamenting that I wasn’t sure if I was headed in the right direction, if I needed to make changes or really what I needed to do. She said, “Maybe it’s time to just stick with it.”


I’m making a few tweaks this year, but mostly I’ll be here, sticking with it by:

  • Continuing to put out the podcast! Season 3 launched today with Advice you’re not hearing about digital products​
  • Making some minor adjustments to my podcast graphic, description and format after a podcast audit with Joe Casabona, plus refreshing my YouTube and social graphics
  • Committing to at least one more bonus episode after season 3 ends mid-year, even though the response to these isn’t what I’ve been hoping for
  • Doing 2-3 lives this year
  • More aggressively offering free, 30-minute strategy calls (book yours now)

What about you? Are you wondering if what you’re doing is working? Is it time for you to just stick with it? Reply and let me know. I’d love to hear from you.


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