I just let her talk me into it

Hey Reader,

A few months ago I went to the store to buy some new mascara. I’ve been wearing the same kind for years, but don’t need to buy it very often because it lasts me a long time.

The salesperson took me over to the section and said, you don’t want waterproof mascara (which is what I usually get). You want the regular mascara.

So I picked up the regular mascara, checked out and went about life.

In the subsequent weeks, I realized why I don’t buy regular mascara. I’m a business owner, in midlife, a mom to a teenager and had a significant injury last year.

Crying is a regular part of my daily life.

I thought more about it and wondered, why did I let her talk me into it? I knew what I wanted. And why was it so easy for her to talk me into it? I honestly didn’t even blink. I just went with what she said.

I’ve heard similar stories from service providers who have created digital products. Their business coach or mastermind group told them they had to create a product. Or create a specific kind of product in a specific format.

So they just did.

And as I’m sure you can guess, the results were not what anyone hoped for. They never felt comfortable with that product or that audience, that format or just the whole thing in general.

Digital products are a lot of work. If you don’t want to do it, don’t. If you don’t want to do it a certain way, don’t do it that way.

Stay true to yourself and I bet you’ll find more success.

I’m curious – what have you heard that you have to do but feel a big resistance to? Reply to this email and let me know. I read and write back to every response.


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