Getting rid of the word “just” from our vocabulary

Hey Reader,

Twice a year, my partner and I go to Florida to visit his parents. We typically stay for a week, and there’s always a lot of food, drink and relaxing.

I enjoy going, but my expectations are always out of alignment with reality.

I expect to be able to do all of the things I usually do (like keep up with my exercise routine).

But inevitably, I fall short. They don’t have the same space or equipment. Our schedule is different there than it is at home.

Many mornings, I’ll go for a 2-3 mile walk.

You’d think that a walk would be a great compromise — where I’m able to enjoy beautiful weather, spend time outside and either catch up with my partner if we walk together or learn something new while listening to a juicy podcast episode if I walk alone.

But every single time I take one of those walks, I feel bad that I’m “just” walking.

Honestly, it’s ridiculous. This is something I need to work on.

How about you? Are you using the word “just” in your life or business? Is there a way you can reframe the situation?
